maburdi maburdi This user account status is Approved Comments Comments Posts Posts Thanks for sharing. I would never have known these two versions were different. TBH, I like the 2011 version better.… On May the Force be with you? Wow!!! I actually remember eating those. But I don't remember how they tasted. I just remember the colorful Russian desert… On Bakin’ a Pav Thank you for sharing this information. I didn't know how impactful missions were for places I've never even heard of.… On Missionaries can change the world!! It is very hard to find that balance between lecturing and delivering the word of God. I can understand the… On The Most Powerful Message….And The Worst Message I was concerned that new students would use this technology for testimony writing! "ChatGPT, write me a 2,000 word message… On Beat ChatGPT with A Real Christian Life I sometimes think that when students reject Bible study, it means that's it for them, they have missed the chance… On They Are Ripe for Harvest Hi Immanuel! This is great stuff. On VBS Camp If anyone ever asked me if I thought it was possible to write a post about scrubbing dirty food trays,… On And I am…the tray? @remfeng This was very encouraging to read. I enjoyed your conclusion very much. Indeed, times are tricky. With all the… On The Christian Flyers from 100 years ago Thank you @johnbaik. I very much enjoyed reading your post. I like to learn about the early church and how… On The Roof of Common Life load more comments